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Open Source and it’s benefits

What is open source technology?
Well, this should be the first question. What is this thing called open source?  In the world of computers and the world of software developers, open-source is very important. It can be seen as software or an entire system built by fellow developers and put out there for free for other people to use, this can include programmers or companies. It can also be modified by others who are not the original developers of said software.
What is the difference between open source and other types of software?
Some of the differences have already been highlighted in the previous subheading, but let us highlight what the other type of software is about. 
There are some softwares that has source code that only the person, team, or organization who created it and maintains exclusive control over it can modify. This kind of software is called “proprietary” or “closed source” software.
The only people allowed to legally copy, or alter the software are original authors. In order to use proprietary software, end users must agree (usually by signing a license displayed the first time they run this software) that they will not do anything with the software that the software’s authors have not expressly permitted. Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop are examples of proprietary software.
Open-source software is different. Its authors make its source code available to others who would like to view that code, copy it, learn from it, alter it, or share it. There are many instances of open-source software example is the Android Operating system and most of the npm libraries for javascript.
Why should you contribute to Open Source?
Now the question comes, what is really the benefit of contributing to open source. I mean it’s free you are writing code with no monetary benefit. Then you now have to maintain the code and release updates, what is the point? Well, I will tell you and open your mind. 
Let’s say I create a free SDK or plugin for doing something or for solving a problem that developers face. For example, when Paystack came out, there was no javascript plugin for connecting to paystack. You had to connect directly to their API. I as a developer see this problem and decide to solve it. Now people start using my plugin and love it. My name keeps coming up on different twitter feeds that I did this, I keep pushing out new plugins consistently, what happens is that my name keeps coming up as a creator of value in the open-source community. What does this mean for me as an individual, I will definitely get noticed by companies home and abroad (especially abroad) : )  This will get me more opportunities with companies without the need to actually apply for jobs. 
The key to open source is consistency, consistency is key to getting noticed. Create and share with others on social media and wait, your life will change before you know it.

Written by Okocha Ebube


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