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Why choosing the right Domain Name is important

What in the World is a Domain Name?

According to Wikipedia, a domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control within the Internet. A domain name is simply your website name. It addresses internet users use to access your website. It is an investment (plus renewal fees) that generates results forever if you choose the right name.

Why are Domain Names Important for your Business?

There are some huge advantages to owning a high-quality domain name. Outlined below are just a few of them

Improving your marketing and visibility: A high-value domain name is generally short, descriptive, and easy to remember. It gives customers and search engines an easy and intuitive way to remember and find you. Having a great domain name is like setting up a shop on NY Madison Avenue since you get high visibility, reputation, and natural traffic but without the recurrent cost.

Building online and offline credibility: Using a high-value domain for your website and your company’s email address helps establish authority, credibility, and professionalism, both online and offline. Owning a memorable domain ensures your customers will notice that you are an established, legitimate business and as a resulting trust you more easily.

Get more website traffic: A lot of domains already receive traffic because they are easy to remember or built a reputation over time. This traffic principally comes from direct type-in or referral traffic. Type-in traffic basically means that someone who is searching for a product decides to bypass the search engine by typing the keyword of the product they want directly into their browser. This is the best kind of traffic as it is highly targeted and costs no effort to obtain.

Referral traffic normally comes from links from other websites. Backlinks on sites with a good reputation result in a higher amount of quality traffic.

Protect your brand: Domains are an investment in your brand and will protect your brand. If your competitor ends up with a domain name that is similar to your business you might end up losing a lot of valuable customers.

Increase your search engine ranking: The more keyword-rich your domain name the more likely it is that you’ll rank high in the search results. Quality domains are often stuffed with high-quality keywords.

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