Whiteland, IN 46184
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Value, what is this word and what does it mean? Value is simply something of importance or something of great worth. In the Nigerian way of doing things most people do not innovate but copy what already exists and do the same thing. For example on a row in a market we can see about 10 people selling the exact same thing, nothing different, how do they expect to get wealthy. In this article, we will talk about how we can create wealth for ourselves by doing one very simple thing which is to create value.
Think Differently
Let us look at the wealthy people of this world, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos. What do all these people have in common asides money? They each created value, value comes first and money will follow. Don’t think how do I make money now, think how do I create value now, what problems are out there that need to be solved.
Creating value may not necessarily bring money immediately but it will get you noticed, luck is brought about by opportunity. Creating something of value even if it is free can get you an opportunity. Humans don’t like giving you money but if you have a good reason for someone to give you money they definitely will. Anyone who wants money without creating value is a thief. Now knowing that not everyone has the entrepreneurial spirit, a value can be created even if you are “working for the man”. The same principle is applied, think differently, contribute to things, get yourself noticed, be up and doing and you will attract favour.
Consistency and Patience
Now a lot of people may start creating value and then stop, this is not the way to go. Consistency is key, there is a saying that you may hate me but you can’t ignore me. Now, why is this, consistency? For example, coming from the programming background, people who contribute to the open-source community are the wealthiest programmers (Open source is a community of free code or apps that are free to use by people or other programmers alike). Why is this the case? Why are people who do free stuff rich? The answer is looking at you in the face of this article. They created value, they were consistent and they were patient.
It is a simple rule, something must be given for something and we should think more in the direction of what is something we can do not what is the reward we can get. Money follows value.