Whiteland, IN 46184
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 5PM
Weekend: 1PM - 3PM
In this present day when everything is being digitised, it is hard to do anything without using the internet or some form of digital technology. Due to this reason, a lot of businesses and jobs are being done online which is why a lot of companies are trying to stay relevant by moving operations to the internet.
The two most common ways this objective can be achieved is by the use of either a website or an application(or app). A lot of businesses especially startups usually have to make a choice between both options due to budget constraints.
Before we talk about what your business needs, let us take a look at the meaning of a website and an app and also the differences between them.
A website is a collection of webpages and other resources that are hosted on a webserver and identified by a common domain name. Simply put, you can say a website is an application that runs in a web browser and can be accessed via the internet. Many modern websites are called web apps because they are built using advanced technologies. Websites have limited access to native device features.
A software program running on any platform Apps may or may not have a connection to the internet. Apps are installed locally on a computing device. An app is a modern term for a software application and mostly refers to software that runs on mobile devices. Apps have direct and full access to native device features and hardware functionalities.
You can hardly ever go wrong with either of the options even though studies have shown that users prefer mobile apps more than websites. While building both is ideal, the fact remains that your choice may be dictated by your budget as it could be costly to build and maintain an app for different platforms together with a website. This is usually out of the reach for startups.
A website becomes an obvious choice in this case.
Another factor that could influence your decision is usability and features required by your service. If your service requires heavy usage of native device hardware features, then an app becomes the obvious option for you.
Lastly, since mobile apps offer better performance than websites, it may be a wise choice to go with the former if your application is heavy and requires a lot of resources to run as that will translate to better user experience for end-users.
Choosing a platform to run your services digitally is a very important decision that goes a long way in pushing your business or your idea to the next level but the most influential factor will always be your budget. An app becomes a good choice if your budget and service allow it as it is still preferred to websites by most users.