Whiteland, IN 46184
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 5PM
Weekend: 1PM - 3PM
Everybody has an idea. You know, that idea.. that will change your life, this is it, the magic bullet, it’s the next Apple, you are the next Spielberg.
It’s like Uber, but for groceries. Except it’s not, ideas are worthless, maybe the most you should ever pay for an idea is 20 US dollars, maximum. Never steal an idea, It’s not worth it. Your idea is safe with me, extremely safe.
I will probably do nothing about it. And that’s what makes it worthless, if your idea was really that great, that magnificent, it would not be an idea. It would be a vision, it would be a mission.
It would be a burning fire in your bones, you would rather die than it not come to pass, it would be like Divinity breathe in your face. As long as you are faffing around, your idea my friend is not worth the email you sent it on.
Execution is everything. Execute on your idea then perhaps, as you execute on it, you add value, it then can be paid for with real money (as opposed to lunch money). A failed business is better than an idea that never launched. If you don’t start, you cant grow, execute.
We can help, start your app now, your website now, your dropshipping business now, write that novel now. Your idea is worthless. Your execution can change your life.